The archaeological site in Paluc, not far from the hamlet of Davestra, testifies the existence of an early medieval village founded on metallurgy that can be dated around the year 1000-1100 A.D. The excavations have uncovered large amounts of slag as well as stone houses and buildings that could have been used as workshops. The findings are kept in the local primary school. It is believed that around the year 1000 this area was one of the most important centres for iron production in the whole of Cadore. Another historical remain is the ancient Roman road which used to run along the Canale del Piave, north of Ospitale, and is still visible in places, its stones marked by carriage grooves. At the top of the village stands an ancient hostel, used by pilgrims and travellers who passed along the valley. The building is decorated with a 14th century mullioned window in gothic style. The parish church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, dates from 1290; inside there is a fine wooden sculpture by Valentino Pancera Besarèl. Fine works of art can also be found in St Mary Magdalene’s chapel in the hamlet of Termine. Other chapels are in Rivalgo (St John the Baptist), in Davestra (St Anthony of Padua) and in Sottospitale, where the oratory is dedicated to Our Lady of Health.
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